Background & Goal

The concept of this project was to build an app for people who are suffering from mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, stress, and many more. 

The goal was to have an app available for both platforms (iOS and Playstore) and anyone can use this app when in need. Some of the main features of this app include:

- Real-time alerts to notify friends and family members
- A user can record his feelings of the moment
- Historical view with export data feature
- Resources section for immediate access services

Mindful Splash and Onboarding Process

UX Research

After setting our goals, we moved on to perform UX research on some of the important insights. We performed C & C analysis to understand our competitor's products, made a journey map of our ideal persona, and planned a list of features through feature prioritization and a user flow to understand the user journey overall. Once our research was finalized, we started our design through lo-fi sketching.

Feature Prioritization

User Journey Map

Design Process and Testing
Once we completed UX sketching (Lo-fi's), we started to create wireframes to better visualize our concept and approaches. After designing wireframes, it was better to understand our UX process and how a user can enter mood, use available resources, and certain actions. 

During our testing phase, our mood entry screen name was a big challenge, the user who is in crisis finds it a harsh way to call it mood entry, we decided to rename this from Mood entry to Emotional Check-In. We also noted a problem in using a reminder screen where a person can add as many as reminders he wants, we decided to limit this number to 5, so a user can set up 5 reminders but a user can enter unlimited Emotional Check-Ins at any time.

Mood Entry Screen

Action & Resource Screen

Final Verdict

We want to keep the look and feel of the mobile app clean, simple, friendly, and easy to understand for everyone.  As we understand a person who is in crisis would want a very simple way to enter his mood and notify his friends & family members.  
This app can help mental health providers to see the real-time data of a person's behavior and plan out treatment according to his data. They also can have access to historical data which helps them to better understand their client's needs and requirements.

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