About Polar Outfitting
Alex Flaherty, who is a resident of Nunavut Canada, currently lives in Iqaluit, Canada.
He specializes in Arctic Region tourism and Polar Outfitting is an Inuit owned & operated company. Its mission is to promote the natural beauty of the Arctic region & local traditional culture.

Survey results

Research Process​​​​​​​
When we had established our end goals after discussions with the client, we started by deploying surveys & doing In-person interviews to understand consumer needs. We ended up having two different age groups. ​​​​​​​
C & C Analysis
Competitive & Comparative Analysis is performed on Direct & Indirect Competitors to better understand their strategy & important features. 

After finishing our research & surveys, we began with Affinity Diagram and based on that designed the personas & journey map. 

C & C analysis

Design Process
As our next step, we started the Feature Prioritization. It helps to lay out important features to be included in the website. After finalizing the features, we started creating our Site Map followed by the User Flow.

After finalizing all the important steps we now had a clear picture of the project. We brainstormed our ideas & brought them on paper (Lo-fi) & gradually transformed our ideas into Mid-Fi wireframes.

Site map

Usability Testing
In our Usability Tests, we performed several tests to understand our design. After reviewing our test results,  we implemented all the necessary changes.
Sticky Info & Button — 
Issue: ‘Quick facts’ and ‘Start Reservation’ disappears as you scroll down the page
After Testing: This section now stays in view as you scroll down
Intuitive forms and content— 
Issue: When filling out forms, you cannot submit until all input fields are filled
after testing: Button are grey out & only clickable when a form is filled
issue: There is no clear indication of what's Included & Not Included 
after testing: We added these visual elements
Hi-Fi Design
After finishing the changes from our usability tests, we handed over the designs to UI Team. The UI Team did an amazing job to put colors in our designs.

Hi-Fi mockup

Final Verdict​​​​​​​
During this project, we noticed that taking a trip to the Canadian Arctic Region could cost up to $25,000 depending on the activities. It is a trip that can be taken as a ‘Once in a Lifetime Experience’. Also, this trip would be such that no one will ever forget.

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