Background & Goal

MODE Transportation, A company that specializes in freight management and forwarding, through a wide network of brokers, drivers and many more.

During our meeting with stakeholders and team members, we found out that there is no design standard maintained throughout the system. Due to no design system and lack of UX/UI principle existing and new user face lot  of problems while performing simple tasks. 

Our goal is to
provide a new design system and guidelines along with new UX that can be used to improve the entire MODE system.

UX Research and Analysis

We conducted detailed user interviews, performed UX audit and received a lot of feedback from stakeholders and team members. This gave us an idea where the problem exists and how it can be resolved through design improvements and UX strategies.

We decide to break down our solution into affinity diagram and that helps us identify key points. During our research phase we also understand that a lack of design system makes harder for user to use current MODE system, we decide we also going to establish a new modern visual appearance of the current MODE system. 

- Establish a design system 
- Maintain brand identity
- Improve current UX and implement new UI 
- Maintain accessibility standard throughout MODE system
- Easy to understand and new design

Affinity Diagram

Design Process and Testing

After setting our goals through research, we concluded that there is an urgent need of design system to improve the visual appearance and enhance the user experience. We started building our design system and provided all necessary components that are being used in existing MODE system and also performed usability testing.

We ensured that the new design update will be following accessibility requirements and provided design guidelines to be followed by team members for future updates. We also did extensive documentation how to use design system and its components. 
Design system mockup
Final Verdict

In conclusion, the MODE Transportation project was a successful effort to improve the company's freight management and forwarding system through the establishment of a new design system and guidelines and the implementation of a new UX. By conducting research and performing a UX audit, we were able to identify the problems faced by users and develop a solution that addressed their needs and provided a consistent experience throughout the system.
The resulting design and UX were well received by stakeholders and team members, who appreciated the ability to interact with the MODE system in a flexible and user-friendly manner. This project demonstrates the value of a comprehensive approach to design and the importance of considering the needs of all users in the development process.

MODE - SaaS system mockup

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