Culturelike is a web responsive dashboard for the Culture Manager & Ritual Hosts.  While using this dashboard people can connect easily with each other to plan their next event.
A culturelike platform is divided into two categories. One is for Culture Managers and the other one is for Ritual Host.
The first dashboard is designed for Culture Managers to arrange meetings and events while keeping all scheduling records.
Another version of this dashboard is designed to serve as a Ritual Host and they can also communicate with Culture Managers. 
A key feature of this platform is the integration with Slack to help Culture managers & Ritual Host to better communicate with their audience.

Culturelike Dashboard

Design Process
Our design process with the rounded diagram is called the Inception sheet. One of the most notable features of this diagram is to define our mood, to showcase our visual language, and most importantly, "Why". This helped us to establish a visual design idea & how we will be implementing it. 
The design of mood boards and style tiles takes place after finalizing our Inception Sheet to have a better idea about the color theme

Inception Sheet

Moodboard A

Moodboard B

Style Guide 
We designed Culturelike's style guide with the help of all the elements used in this entire process. Besides our primary colors, we had a secondary color scheme to define important things. 

Style Guide
Style Guide
Style Guide
Style Guide
Style Guide
Style Guide
Final Design
In our final design phase which was transforming Mid-Fi's to Hi-Fi's, we produced 2 versions of the dashboard. One is for HR Managers and the other is for the Ritual Host. We both, the UI team members worked side by side to bring our Mid-Fi's to Final Hi-Fi design. 

We tried to make it more emphasizing by using illustrations where needed. It helped to enhance our UI design and looked more visualized for the users.

Culturelike mockup

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