The motive of this project was to design a platform where the consumer can buy the product online and ship it to their preferred location. Since our client didn’t have this feature previously, it was an opportunity for us to introduce an e-Commerce platform into their existing system.
UI Design Process

The design process incorporates several components. Initially, project requirements and expected outcomes were gathered during the client meeting, we decided, that our approach should be minimalist as well as portray modern vintage.

In this project, I was partner with my other UI Designer. Our design process includes the inception sheet, mood boards, style tile, style guide, and final hi-fi.

Furious Fur Logo

MoodBoard A

MoodBoard B

Style Tile

Creating style tiles gives an overall vision of the concept in one's mind. It's a design guide that consists of every single element that has been used throughout the UI design.  We presented two different style tiles to client and client decided to pick and choose the option to choose from any one.

Chosen Style Tile

Final UI Design

Summing up the entire design process, we were able to generate our final outcome from Mid-Fi to Hi-Fi. We also performed Usability testing to ensure our design is truly aligned with the client's requirement and easy to use for any user.

Furious Fur Hi-Fi Mockup

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