During therapy sessions, the mental health service providers use pen and paper to take notes. These notes are later input into the system which can carry an extra workload for the health care providers.

Our goal was to eliminate pen and paper and introduce the use of this tablet application where notes can be directly taken and submitted to the system.

Home screen

Research and Achievements
During our discovery phase, we tried different versions of how to input data into the tablet and save it into the cloud. A therapy session can be very generalized, health care providers can take any direction in order to provide effective treatment sessions to clients. It is not necessary for the client will perform only one type of therapy but it can be combined with other therapies. 

We decided to use checkboxes to help health providers to select multiple options at any given time, and in the end, we introduced a section for extra notes. This approach would help mental health providers to customize the therapy session and make them more effective for their clients.  Once the session is complete, notes can be submitted and are ready to review at any moment.

This was a concept that we introduced and tested with several psychiatrists and psychologists. We received welcoming feedback, and maybe in the future, a full-scale version with added features such as appointment booking, fee structure, treatment history, and in-app messaging will be made.

Psychological Condition

Psychiatric Condition

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