About Our Client
Anto Chan is the person behind Be Awesome Shoppe. It is his passion to press new and awesome buttons. He founded this company in 2014. It serves more than a business and it is a way to discover inner creativity & use art as self-expression.

Project Goals​​​​​​​
- A complete overhaul of the current Be Awesome website
- Introduce all new modern aspects including a way to generate        more consumer traffic
- Introduce all new and modernized branding & E-commerce            capability


Research Phase
We started with Initial client meetings to better understand the client requirements and the desired project outcome. After finalizing the goals and deliverables, we started with Surveys & Interviews.

Survey results

After finalizing our Survey & Interview results we were able to put data into Affinity Diagram,  It helped to understand the responses in detail. We also performed a Competitive & Comparative Analysis (C&C) to better understand our competition in the current market. Personas are fictional characters, we designed personas to get the knowledge of our target market, their motivations, frustrations & goals.
Affinity diagram
Affinity diagram
C & C Analysis
C & C Analysis

Mid-fi wireframes

Design Phase
After completing our research, we had a vision of what we needed to deliver. We started with Feature Prioritization, Site Maps & User Flow. This process helped to understand user needs & to deliver a better user experience.
We then moved our concepts to Lo-Fi Sketches and gradually transitioned towards Mid-Fi’s after brainstorming with teammates. ​​​​​​​
UI Design
Our UI Designer designed the mood board and style tile to showcase her vision that transformed our greyscale designs into beautiful and colorful designs.

Hi-fi mockups

Final Thoughts
During this project, we realized that buttons are an interactive and entertaining piece of art that helps engage people to explore their artistic side. Also, they can be used to self-express your inner feelings.

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